Introduction to AI Safety Decal

Applications are due 1/26!

About the Decal

What students get out of the Decal

The DeCal aims to give students a baseline technical background in ML as well as a detailed view of major topics in AI Safety. We’ll focus on risks from emerging general-capability systems and their possible successors. Additionally, we intend to give DeCal students first priority in research programs, workshops, guest speaker events, and other activities that BASIS will be hosting throughout the semester.

Why we’re running this program

We think that AI Safety could be one of the most important problems of our time, and we hope to give students the technical background to stay informed and potentially contribute to research.

View the full syllabus here

Some details or curricula in the syllabus may be changed.

The Intro to AI Safety decal, sponsored by Professor Stuart Russell, provides a high-level understanding of the AI alignment problem and some of the key research directions which aim to solve it. Students will learn about the risks associated with using advanced AI systems, the difficulties inherent to addressing them, and the current state of research regarding solutions.

We will have in-person weekly classes on Tuesdays at 5 - 7 PM in Soda 405, beginning on September 5, where we will discuss readings in a variety of AI safety topics. Every week, we will be discussing readings in a variety of AI safety topics. View the full syllabus below.